Message From Vice Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Esteemed Faculty,

I am delighted to welcome you all to another new school year, where every day is a fresh opportunity for growth, discovery, and excellence. As a principal, I am profoundly honored to be a part of this exciting journey to have the privilege of working with such a dedicated and talented team.

At Canadian High School, we believe in nurturing not only academic brilliance, but also the holistic development of each child and aim to provide them will tools and opportunities to explore, discover and achieve their dreams.

Our Vision is to create a safe, vibrant and inclusive learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, discipline and character building in our students and our dedicated team of educators is here to support and inspire your children throughout their journey. We firmly believe that education is not confined to textbooks and classroom alone and that community engagement activities, sports and extracurricular activities are also integral to a well-rounded education. In addition to academics, we will also focus on values and character education, instilling qualities such as respect, empathy and integrity in our students, which are essential for their personal and social development. As such, we strongly encourage our students to participate in various extra-curricular activities, ask questions, challenge conventions and to give back to the community through community services and embrace diversity as they grow into responsible global citizens.

Parents and Guardians, your partnership is invaluable to us. We invite you to actively participate in your child’s educational journey, as your involvement plays a crucial role in their success. We seek to foster open lines of communication between home and school as we are committed to working closely with you and to providing regular feedback on the progress of your child to ensure the best possible education experience for your child.

To our students, I encourage you to approach each day with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow and always to remember that your teachers, mentors and the entire school community are here to support you on your quest for excellence.

As we move forward together, I want to assure that our focus remains on creating a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment, where each individual feels valued and respected. Our commitment to academic rigor, character development and community engagement will remain unwavering.

Once again, I extend a heartfelt welcome to all members of Canadian High School family and look forward to getting to know each of you and working hand in hand to make this academic year a truly enriching and memorable experience. I am confident that, together, we will create a nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment, where our students will thrive and reach their full potential to create a school environment that inspires a lifelong love for learning and prepares our students for success in an ever-changing world.

Wishing you all a fantastic year of learning and growth.

Best Regards,
Soe Sandi
Vice Principal
Canadian High School

Soe Sandi @ Sandy Vice Principal KBTC Canadian High School, Yangon